
Showing posts from March, 2022

Yuki Bennet is a scenario writer for YouTube 優季はシナリオライター

This image is not Yuki's anime but looks similar. Yuki's AJA membership card All the financial members receive this cool looking membership cards. Know your Members AJAメンバー紹介  Introducing AJA member  Yuki Bennet Yuki is originally from Okayama prefecture and she moved to Adelaide with her husband Michael in 2018.  優季さんは、岡山県出身。岡山でJETプログラムで英語の先生をしていたマイケルさんと結婚し、2018年にアデレードに移住してきました。 Yuki and Michael started coming to our Kaiwa Club which used to be held at Cafe Amore regularly. Yuki became AJA committee members. そのあとすぐにAJAの会話クラブに遊びに来るようになり、コミッティーとして2年間頑張ってくれました。 Yuki Bennet has a very interesting job she is is a scenario writer of YouTube Anime series. そんな優季ベネットさんは、YouTube動画、主に、「日刊ライン」と「今日のライン」のアニメ動画のシナリオライターをしています。 They are written and spoken in Japanese, so if you want to see them please follow the links below.   Some of the anime movies are below そのうちのいくつかが ↓ 「貯金して買った新品の自転車を・・・」

3 March is Hina Matsuri 3月3日はひな祭り

  Hinamatsuri  is one of the five seasonal festivals ( 五節句 ,  gosekku ) that are held on auspicious dates of the  Chinese calendar : the first day of the first month, the third day of the third month, and so on. After the adoption of the  Gregorian calendar , these were fixed on  1   January , 3   March,  5   May ,  7   July , and  9   September . The festival was traditionally known as the Peach Festival ( 桃の節句 ,  Momo no Sekku ), as  peach  trees typically began to flower around this time. [4]  Although this is no longer true since the shift to Gregorian dates, the name remains and peaches are still symbolic of the festival. [5] The primary aspect of  Hinamatsuri  is the display of seated male and female dolls (the  obina  ( 男雛 , "male doll") and  mebina  ( 女雛 , "female doll")), which represent a Heian period wedding, [5]  but are usually des...

Online Japanese classes with people in Ishikawa prefecture

  IJSP Online Program 石川県の皆さんと オンライン日本語クラス The Ishikawa Foundation for International Exchange is again offering on-line Japanese language classes. The Institute has been offering language courses, in collaboration with the Australia - Japan Society of the Australian Capital Territory, since 1997 and until Covid these were held at the Institute in Ishikawa, Japan. They included homestays with Japanese families in Ishikawa. Covid lockdowns, of course, prevented the continuation of in-country courses but in 2021 we started the on-line classes. While homestays are (of course) not possible, the classes include conversations with Japanese families. The attached information sheet outlines the courses now available. Some of your members may be interested in refreshing their language skills. * Please apply through the Australia – Japan Society (ACT). For those who live in South Australia, please contact Kyoko, AJAofSA at The Ishikawa Foundation for International E...

日本語無料医療相談 Free Medical Consultation for Japanese people who live in Australia

  This information is regarding a free medical consultation organized by the Consul General of Japan in Melbourne. This article is written all in Japanese language.  from Consul General of Japan in Melbourne for Japanese people who live in Australia 在メルボルン日本国総領事館よりのお知らせ 【ポイント】 ●本事業は3月10日(木)で終了しますのでお早めにお申し込み ください。 ●ホバート出張診療は3月4日(金)、5日(土)に実施します。 ●長引く新型コロナ感染症のため医療やメンタルヘルスでお困りの ことはありませんか。日本語で無料相談が受けられます。 ●日本に入国する際に必要なPCR検査・陰性証明書も無料で入手 できます。 ●子どもの感染が心配等のコロナ感染症に関することから、最近気 分がすぐれない、健康上少し気になることがある、などコロナ関連 以外の相談でも利用可能です。 ●費用は全て日本政府が負担します。(利用者自己負担なし) ●表題のサービスを拡大しオーストラリア全土の邦人の皆様もご利 用できます。 【本文】  本サービスはメルボルン所在の医療機関が、新型コロナ感染症拡大 でお困りの豪州(オーストラリア全土)にお住まいの邦人を支援す るため無料健康相談サービス・メンタルヘルス相談サービスを提供 するものです。是非ご利用ください。サービスの終了が迫っていま すのでお急ぎください。  これは、通常の医療行為に代わるものではなく、健康に関するアド バイスやサポートを提供するもので、診断後に治療を要する場合、 治療は自己負担(または個人の保険)になります。 1 健康相談サービス(お一人1回30分) (1)申し込み方法: ご予約希望を下記までお問い合わせください。 メール: au  電話番号(日本語直通)03-8102-5801 または下記HotDocよりご予約も可能です。 cal-centr...

Stay Home Stay (Japan Boy Stuck in Oz)

Perth based Japanese Comedian, Takashi Wakasugi パース在住の日本人コメディアン たかしのスタンドアップコメディーショー [Date & Time] 3 – 6 & 10 – 13 March 7pm [Place] Hotel Richmond [Website] “Stay Home Stay (Japan Boy Stuck in Oz)” From 3 – 13 March, 2022 at Adelaide Fringe Festival. Perth based Japanese Comedian, Takashi Wakasugi Will perform Stand Up Comedy show called “Stay Home Stay (Japan Boy Stuck in Oz)” From 3 – 13 March, 2022 at Adelaide Fringe Festival. A comment from Takashi below: My comedy is about suffering from cultural differences, language barriers and being too much Japanese. My jokes are aboout how Japan is beautiful and weird and how Australia is great and crazy. This year my show is called Stay Home Stay (Japan Boy Stuck in Oz). COVID-19 destroyed his comedy life. But he had a girlfriend. She is Australian and originally from Perth. He decided to move to Perth with her just before national lockdown. That was very luckiest decision be...