2024 Australia Day "Respecting Country Parade" Would you like to join the Respecting Country Parade 2024?2024 オーストラリアデー「 リスペクティングカントリーパレード」に参加しませんか? Event Day & Timing: Friday 26th January 2024, commencing at 7pm Australasia Day is a National Holiday Parade Route: From Adelaide Oval - Across the Footbridge to Elder Park AJA is looking for people who want to walk in the parade. If you would like to join in the parade, please let AJA know by the end of this month (December 2023) ajaofsa@gmail.com Please write your name, mobile number :👬Uniformed costume is requested by the organiser so AJA team will wear Yukata or Happi coat. 👬AJA will provide Hanagasa (Traditional hat) and flower, Japanese flag fan etc) 👉If you need a Yukata (Summer Kimono), please let us know as well. Photos below are the ones taken on the parade 26th of January, 2023 Note: Sometimes,...