2024 Australia Day "Respecting Country Parade" Would you like to join the Respecting Country Parade 2024?2024 オーストラリアデー「 リスペクティングカントリーパレード」に参加しませんか? Event Day & Timing: Friday 26th January 2024, commencing at 7pm Australasia Day is a National Holiday Parade Route: From Adelaide Oval - Across the Footbridge to Elder Park AJA is looking for people who want to walk in the parade. If you would like to join in the parade, please let AJA know by the end of this month (December 2023) ajaofsa@gmail.com Please write your name, mobile number :👬Uniformed costume is requested by the organiser so AJA team will wear Yukata or Happi coat. 👬AJA will provide Hanagasa (Traditional hat) and flower, Japanese flag fan etc) 👉If you need a Yukata (Summer Kimono), please let us know as well. Photos below are the ones taken on the parade 26th of January, 2023 Note: Sometimes, information changes, such as due to weather conditions and other reasons. So we would li
Showing posts from December, 2023
Helping a Japanese PhD student's research
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Japanese PhD students are looking for research participants - Some young people who were born or grew up in Australia. Yuna Sato who is a Ph.D. student in sociology at Keio University and the University of South Australia. Yuna has visited AJA Nichi Go Kaiwa Club several times. For her research, she asked AJA to help her find some young people who were born or grew up in Australia. Yuna sent AJA information about her research below. 博士課程で勉強している佐藤ゆなさん(AJAの日豪会話クラブにも何度か参加してくれています)が、AJAに以下のような内容のリサーチのための協力依頼がありましたので、シェアさせていただきます。 ★★★★★★★ (日本語は下にあります。) Are you Japanese ‘ハーフ’ who grew up in Australia? About ハーフ → https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/H%C4%81fu The term 'ハーフ' ('haafu') is employed in this announcement to refer to individuals of mixed Japanese heritage. It's important to acknowledge that this term, originating from the English word 'half', carries complex connotations and may be viewed as controversial. I recognize these nuances and do not uncritically en
AJA 56th AGM & Dinner was very successful
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AJA 56th AGM & Dinner was very successful (^^♪ AJA第56回年次総会ディナー 大盛況に終わりました(^^♪ Photos above from this year's AGM Dinner You can see more photos(68) in AJA Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/ajaofsa/ It was a very successful night with good and interesting from our guests. Everyone enjoyed the night and as is our way had a very happy and social experience with an excellent and tasty meal provided by Nagomi. It was held; on Wednesday 29th of November 2023 at the Nagomi Japanese Kitchen なごみジャパニーズキッチン , Shop 5 / 242 Hutt St, Adelaide SA 5000 We had three distinguished guests: Ms. Ms Adriana Christopoulos, Chair of the South Australian Multicultural Commission Mr. Michael Coxon the Mayor of City of West Torrense Mr. Adam Wynn , the Honorary Consul General of Japan in Adelaide The menu was Nagomi Bento: Sushi (Shrimp, Omlet, Aburi Salmon, Aburi Kingfish) Sashimi (Sermon, Kingfish, Tuna) Seaweed salad Takoyaki Edamame With a Main obento base of your choice from one of Teriy