
Showing posts from February, 2023

Burnside Community Awards 2023

Burnside Community Award of the Year 2023 It is some good news for AJA early in the New Year, AJA received the "2023 Community Event of the Year Awards for the City of Burnside"              今年は年の初めから、AJAにとっては幸先の良いスタートとなりました。               2009年から開催されているジャパニーズカルチャルデー・ バーンサイドが、              バーンサイド市のコミュニティーイベント・オブ・ザイヤー賞を受 賞しました。 The award is in recognition of the effort and success of AJA's commitment to the Burnside cultural day event, which has been running since 2009.  Jim Stewart was the main driver behind AJA joining in in this cultural day event, and our participation has continued with subsequent AJA leaders. It has grown over the years to be quite a large event drawing thousands of people and many participants to the Burnside library.   On this occasion Kyoko, Stuart, Jim, Kazuko, and Glen were AJA's representatives and attended this ceremony on behalf of AJA     この受賞は、2009年から毎年開催してきたバーンサイドジャパニーズカルチャーデーが、日本文化の紹介を通して、地元の人達との文化交流に貢献しているということが認められたものです。 1月26日、オーストラ

Burnside 2023 Kyoko's appreciation speech for the Award

Kyoko's thank you speech for AJA receiving the Community Event of the Year Award for Burnside City Council. 会長京子による感謝の言葉 Thank you for the wonderful introduction of AJA. I would like to acknowledge the  Kaurna   people, the custodians of the land on which we stand.   The Mayor Ms. Anne Monceaux and other distinguish guests, Hello and thank you for selecting AJA for this wonderful award.   On behalf of our organisation, I would like to express our gratitude, and we feel honoured to be selected for this award.   AJA could not have achieved this, without having the support from the Burnside Library and the City Council. So thank you so very much for your generous help.   Today, I am here with 4 precious AJA members on the stage with me; Vice president and Secretary Stuart, and our most senior member, Glen Woodward, who is now, 94 years young. And Jim Stewart and his partner Kazuko.   Importantly, today I would like to note that, Jim Stewart, was the president when the

History of the Japanese Cultural Day in Burnside Library

History of the Japanese Cultural Day in Burnside Library Jim Stewart who was the president when the first Japanese Cultural Day in Burnside Library was held in 2009. Has taken the time to write up a brief history of how the event started.  JCD Burnside has a long history  starting in 2009 If you would like to read a bit more of the history and see some photos and videos of this event follow the link below; We recently received a Burnside citizen of the year award for the most successful community event in 2022.  

Au Day 2023 Aboriginal Smoking Ceremony

Aboriginal people's Smoking Ceremony On Australia Day, in Pinky Flat before the respecting country parade started, two of the representatives from each community group had the opportunity to be part of the Aboriginal Smoking Ceremony. On behalf of AJA members and friends, Kyoko and Stuart participated in the Smoking Ceremony which was held from 4 to 5pm in Pinky Flat. The Adelaide Plains are the traditional lands of the Kaurna people,  アデレード平野のもともとの先住民は、Kaurna(ガーナ)族と呼ばれます。 What is a Smoking Ceremony?  A smoking ceremony is an ancient  Australian  aboriginal custom that involves  burning various native plants to produce smoke, which has cleansing properties and the ability to ward off bad spirits from the people and the land and make pathway for a brighter future . パレードの前に行われたアボリジニの人達に伝わる<スモーキングセレモニー>に、AJAを代表して、会長の京子と副会長のスチュアートが 参加させていただきました。 アボリジニの人達のこの儀式では、オーストラリア原産の木々の葉っぱを燃やし、 その煙を頭、顔、胸にすくって浴びて、人間の体と立っているその土地の厄払いして清めるのです。 For more photos and videos of the Australia Day 2023 - Abo

Australia Day 2023 Respect Country Parade

 Australia Day Respect Country Parade 2023 Australia Day – Respect Country Parade on 26th of January, 2023 AJA members and friends participated in the Respect Country Parade on Australia Day Thursday, 26th of January. AJAでは、1月26日(木)オーストラリアデーの日に、リスペクト・カントリー・パレードに参加しました。 This year, the Australia Day Event organiser decided the number of parade participants for each community group could be up to 20 and AJA team had 15 people. 今年から、各団体からのパレード参加者の数が20人までと制限されて、AJAでは15人が参加しました。 Our team walked accompanied by the Japanese folk music called ♪Hanagasa Ondo♪ and we did a very simple dance. 花笠音頭の音楽に合わせて、超シンプルな動きを入れながら歩きました。 AJA would like to thank to all those participants for participating in the parade. I am glad that everyone was saying it was so much fun and enjoyed it very much. 参加してくださった皆さん、お疲れさまでした。でも、皆さんとっても楽しかったと言ってもらえたので、嬉しいです(^^♪ ********************* For more photos please click the below links; Link to Au Day 2023 Parade - AJA Team photos