Yuki Bennet is a scenario writer for YouTube 優季はシナリオライター

This image is not Yuki's anime but looks similar.

Yuki's AJA membership card
All the financial members receive this cool looking membership cards.

Know your Members

 Introducing AJA member Yuki Bennet

Yuki is originally from Okayama prefecture and she moved to Adelaide with her husband Michael in 2018. 

Yuki and Michael started coming to our Kaiwa Club which used to be held at Cafe Amore regularly. Yuki became AJA committee members.

Yuki Bennet has a very interesting job she is is a scenario writer of YouTube Anime series.

They are written and spoken in Japanese, so if you want to see them please follow the links below.  

Some of the anime movies are below そのうちのいくつかが ↓



 以下が、優季さんがシナリオを担当している動画のURL ほぼ200本の動画!



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