
Showing posts from April, 2022

Studio Yoshimi

Know our AJA Members AJA メンバー紹介  **************************** 溝辺(みぞべ)よしみさんの「Sudio Yoshimi」 Ms. Yoshimi Mizobe Yoshimi started Japanese handmade crafts store STUDIO YOSHIMI. All artworks are handmade by artists from Okayama, Japan where both Yoshimis were born and grown up. We will have our first stall at Kodomo no hi, children’s day Japan festival at Thebarton community centre on this Sunday 1st May. Can’t wait 皆さん、こんにちは。 岡山出身の溝辺よしみと申します。 この度、地元岡山の作家さんの作品を紹介するお店を始めました。 その名もSTUDIO YOSHIMIです。 フォローしていただけると幸いです。よろしくお願いします 5月1日(日)の子供の日ジャパンフェスティバルにもストールを出店しますので、立ち寄ってくださいね。 Kodomo no hi, Children’s day Japan festival @jafaadelaide @knhjapanfestival We are happy to announce we will have a store at Kodomo no hi Japan festival Our store is right next to the main entrance. There will be all handmade products by @ribbon_and_cottonlinen , @tsuruchan2021 and STUDIO YOSHIMI. We are glad to see you in person finally ?...

Next Kaiwa Dining Club

Next  Kaiwa Dining Club  Thursday 14th April 2022 Sato Japanese Restaurant 131 Melbourne St, North Adelaide, South Australia, Australia Thursday 14th April 2022, from 6:15pm  RSVP Attendance Registration and Food Pre-Ordering Needed  by Monday, 11th of April, 2022   参加申し込みと事前オーダーの締め切りは. 4月11日(月)です。 If you would like to attend this dinner, please do two things;  1) you need to fill in our online Attendance Registration form below. 2) and also please give us your food Pre-order, by Monday 11th of April 2022 by writing to us at . When you write to us, please include your name and mobile number in case we need to contact you urgently.     参加したい方は以下の手続きが必要です:   1) 下記のAJAオンライン参加申込書に記入してください. 2)そのあと、<さと>のメニューから事前にオーダーを選んで、AJAのメールアドレス  に書いて送ってください。 お名前と電話番後も忘れずに(緊急連絡が必要な場合のため)            ...

Japanese Art Exhibition at SA Art Gallery

Community Information   コミュニティーインフォメーション   Japanese Art Exhibition  at SA Art Gallery   日本関連のアートの展示@南オーストラリア州立美術館 ①Pure Form: Japanese sculptural ceramics 日本の彫刻セラミック展 21 May - 6 Nov 2022 ②Chiharu Shiota: Absence embodied  IMMERSIVE SITE-SPECIFIC COMMISSION BY JAPANESE ARTIST CHIHARU SHIOTA.  塩田千春 : 具体化したかたちの不在 Ongoing 常時展示  Gallery 14 Free entry Please find an interview Chiharu Shiota in Japanese in  GoGo Adelaide  塩田さんの作品についての日本語での紹介は、Go豪アデレードをご覧ください

Katherine Tamiko Arguile 'Meshi'

  Community Information   コミュニティーインフォメーション Join Katherine Tamiko Arguile as she talks about her book Meshi: A personal history of Japanese Food. Two talk events with Katherine Tamiko Arguile ①Katherine Tamiko Arguile  ‘ Meshi’  In Japan, food expresses a complex and fascinating history, tied to tradition and spiritualit that has ecdured for centuries. With vivid insight and emotional honesty, Katherine’s new book Meshi reveals the culture infused into Japanese food. Enjoy traditional Japanese cuisine and local wine. Wednesday 4 May, 12pm – 2pm Cove Civic Centre 1 Ragamuffin Drive, HALLETT COVE 5158 Cost $35 Payable at time of booking ②Book Talk Tuesday: Katherine Tamiko Arguile ‘Meshi’ For Katherine Tamiko Arguile, the Japanese food her mother cooked was a portal to a part of her that sometimes felt lost in the past. In Japan, food is never just food: it expresses a complex and fascinating history, and is tied to tradition and spirituality intrinsic to Japanese...

Glen, received the SA Multicultural Senior Volunteer Award

  Know our AJA Members AJA メンバー紹介  **************************** Mr. Glen Woodward received one of the SA Multicultural Senior Volunteer Awards. グレンさん、マルチカルチャル・シニアボランティア賞受賞おめでとうございます。 Glen Woodward and  Her Excellency  the Honourable Frances Adamson AC On the 10th of March 2022, the Multicultural Awards ceremony was held at the SA Government House. As president of AJA I nominated our life member Glen Woodward for the SA Multicultural Senior Volunteer Award.  We were very pleased when he was included as a Highly Commended Finalist for the Senior Volunteers Award.  He was one of the top three finalists. I was privileged to be invited to the ceremony and took some photos with Glen.  毎年開かれている州総督及びマルチカルチャル省のコミュニティー賞受賞式が3月10日(木)に州総督邸において開催されました。AJASA(南オーストラリア州豪日協会)の最長老のグレンさんが、シニアボランティア賞の最終審査に残り、表彰台に立ち州総督より賞状を受しました。私は一応AJAの会長、そしてグレンさんを推薦した側としてご招待を受けました。CovidSafeの規制のために人数を最小限にした会でしたが、とても喜ばしい時間を過ごさせていただきました。グレンさん、本当におめでとうございます(^^♪ Please see more photos in ...

Adelaide Sakura Troupe 劇団さくら🌸アデレード

Know our AJA Members AJA メンバー紹介  **************************** Introducing Mr. Umehara  梅原宗敬さんの紹介 Mr Umehara playing a Japanese drum- Kagura Taiko at the 2022 Aus Day Event in Rundle Mall. Hello, my name is Munetaka Umehara.  In January 2022 a new performing arts team came together under the name Adelaide Sakura Troupe.  At the JAFA Kodomo no Hi Festival to be held on May 1 at the Thebarton Community Centre they will present "Les Japonaises", based on a concept developed by AJA member Munetaka Umehara inspired by depictions of Japanese culture by artists of the late 19th century enjoyed in Europe as "Japonisme".  Dancers Mimi Yoshii, Mia Kishimoto Smith and Hanna Louise Instrell-Walker, will be accompanied by Munetaka Umehara (Kagura taiko) and James Norman (flute). Mimi and Mia at the Aus Day event in Rundle Mall on 25th of January 2022   皆さん、こんにちは。梅原宗敬(むねたか)でございます。   2022年1月アデレードに誕生したパフォーミングアーチストチ ーム 劇団さくら アデレード ( Adelaide Sakura Troupe)が5月1日(日) セバトンコ...

Ruriko's Blue Stone Massage

Know our AJA Members AJA メンバー紹介  **************************** るりこジョーダンさんのブルーストーンマッサージ  Blue Stone Massage  Mrs. Ruriko Jordan るりこ・ジョーダンさん Ruriko studied at Adelaide TAFE and received a Diploma of Remedial Massage. She has started her own business called Blue Stone Massage るりこさんは、TAFEでレメディアルマッサージの資格をとり<ブルーストーンマッサージ>というスモールビジネスを立ち上げました。 What is Remedial massage? It is focused on improving the problems that the client has. The therapist will assess and treat musculoskeletal and other system disorders. By performing a postural observation and range of motion analysis, a treatment plan can be devised.. Remedial massage therapy can include techniques such as Deep tissue massage, Trigger point therapy, Myofascial release, Soft tissue release, and Manual lymphatic drainage massage and more. 肩や首の痛み、腰痛、関節痛、スポーツの後の筋肉、肩こりや、ストレスからの頭痛、office workの後の、肩こりや、腕の疲れ、ホルモンバランスの乱れによる倦怠感やむくみ、などでお困りの方、ぜひご連絡ください。 To contact and for more information SMS 0403 452 111 (電話は、出られない時もありますので、メッセージをお願いします)。 -...

NSW and Queensland floods 2022

  NSW and Queensland floods 2022 From late February to early March 2022, Australia’s Queensland and New South Wales (NSW) were hit by extreme flooding following days of rain, including “rain bombs.” オーストラリアでは、2月からQLD(クイーンズランド州)と東海岸のNSW(ニューサウスウェールズ州)で豪雨が続いて、広大な範囲で甚大な被害が出ています。  In the northeastern part of NSW, the town of Lismore is confronted with floodwaters once again after receiving more than  15 inches (400 millimeters)  of rain over a 24 hour period. This rain followed on from recent heavy rain which saturated the soil making later rain events even more devasting.  Several evacuation orders were issued for towns across the NSW Northern Rivers and Mid North Coast regions. 被害の様子はまるで大津波のあとのように瓦礫が散乱し、まだ復旧作業中だった3月30日にも1日で400ミリとう記録的な大雨が追い打ちをかけ、NSWの北部と海岸地区の人々には非難警報が出されました。 More than 20 people died because of the flood. Deep condolences to those who died and their families. We are praying for people in the area and hoping they will recover as quickly as possible. 多...