Glen, received the SA Multicultural Senior Volunteer Award


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Mr. Glen Woodward received one of the SA Multicultural Senior Volunteer Awards.

Glen Woodward and Her Excellency the Honourable Frances Adamson AC

On the 10th of March 2022, the Multicultural Awards ceremony was held at the SA Government House.

As president of AJA I nominated our life member Glen Woodward for the SA Multicultural Senior Volunteer Award.  We were very pleased when he was included as a Highly Commended Finalist for the Senior Volunteers Award.  He was one of the top three finalists. I was privileged to be invited to the ceremony and took some photos with Glen. 


Please see more photos in AJA Facebook page


Glen with the then SA premier Mr. Steve Marshal 

Glen with Kyoko and Ms. Jing Lee former Assistant Minister to the Premier (DPC)


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