Burnside 2023 Kyoko's appreciation speech for the Award

Kyoko's thank you speech for AJA receiving the Community Event of the Year Award for Burnside City Council.


Thank you for the wonderful introduction of AJA.

I would like to acknowledge the Kaurna people, the custodians of the land on which we stand.

 The Mayor Ms. Anne Monceaux and other distinguish guests, Hello and thank you for selecting AJA for this wonderful award.

 On behalf of our organisation, I would like to express our gratitude, and we feel honoured to be selected for this award.

 AJA could not have achieved this, without having the support from the Burnside Library and the City Council.

So thank you so very much for your generous help.

 Today, I am here with 4 precious AJA members on the stage with me; Vice president and Secretary Stuart, and our most senior member, Glen Woodward, who is now, 94 years young.

And Jim Stewart and his partner Kazuko.

 Importantly, today I would like to note that, Jim Stewart, was the president when the first Japanese Cultural Day was held in 2009.

If he hadn’t thought about having a Japanese Cultural Day in Burnside, and put so much effort into it, we would not be standing here today.  

So, thankyou Jim, I admire what you have done for AJA.

 During the Covid 19 pandemic, we didn't think we would be able to have another Japanese Cultural Day anymore, until May last year when Burnside Library people asked us if we could start it again and of course we took the opportunity.

 Last year, AJA turned 55 years old, so it was a good timing to celebrate it with the Japanese Cultural Day.

 Finally, I would like to end my speech by saying Domo Arigato gozaimasu which means Thank you very much for your support.

 Have a nice Australia Day, everyone.


To see more photos and videos of AJA participants and other award winners, please follow the links below; 



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