Nichi Go Kaiwa Club on Thu, 6th of July
Next Nichi Go Kaiwa Club is on Thursday, 6th of July 2023 次の日豪会話クラブ は 7月6日(木)です! At Bocelli Italian Café and Ristorante The next Nichi Go Kaiwa Club is on Thursday, 6th of July from 6pm. The venue is at Ryumon Ramen Izakaya 16 Hindley Street Adelaide SA 5000 Please RSVP if you would like to come. 参加したい方はAJAのメールアドレスへ参加希望を連絡してくださいね。 Please let us know in Also we need to pre-order so please have a look at the link below and let us know what you would like to order as well. 参加したい人は、事前のオーダーが必要になりますので、下のメニューリンクからオーダーしたいものを選んで、参加申し込みと一緒にメールをくださいね。 Menu About Nichi Go Kaiwa Club 日豪会話クラブについて AJA's monthly dining and conversation meeting In Japanese 日豪会話クラブ(Nichi Go Kaiwa Club) We meet once a month, somewhere in a café or restaurant At the meetings, members and friends enjoy dining together & talking in Japanese & English. It is a very good oppor...