About Nichi Go Kaiwa Club
At Bocelli Italian Café - Ristorante
- AJA's monthly dining and conversation meeting
- In Japanese 日豪会話クラブ(Nichi Go Kaiwa Club)
- We meet once a month, somewhere in a café or restaurant
- At the meetings, members and friends enjoy dining together & talking in Japanese & English.
- It is a very good opportunity to make a good friend.
- You will be able to learn English and Japanese.
- If you are from Japan recently, our members are happy to listen and help giving a good advise or information about Adelaide life.
- No need to pay for this club.
- However, if you could become AJA financial member that would be very appreciated as AJA is a non profitable organisation and our committee members are all volunteers.
- Please see the link below how to become a financial member
- https://ajaofsa.blogspot.com/2023/05/about-aja-aja.html
- 1カ月に1度、食事会兼会話クラブ開催
- 日本語では、日豪会話クラブ
- 食事をしながら、日本語と英語で楽しくおしゃべりをしています。
- お友達ができます(^^♪
- 英語と日本語を勉強できるいいチャンス。
- また、日本の人たちでアデレードに来たばかりの人は、地元の人たちから、いろいろな生活情報を教えてもらえるいい機会です。
- 日豪会話クラブの会費は無料
- ただし、AJAの会員になっていただいて、活動をささえてくださると大変嬉しいです。
- 年会費は$20
- 会費の支払い方法は以下へ
- https://ajaofsa.blogspot.com/2023/05/about-aja-aja.html
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