Helping a Japanese PhD student's research

 Japanese PhD students are looking for research participants - Some young people who were born or grew up in Australia.

Yuna Sato who is a Ph.D. student in sociology at Keio University and the University of South Australia. Yuna has visited AJA Nichi Go Kaiwa Club several times.
For her research, she asked AJA to help her find some young people who were born or grew up in Australia. Yuna sent AJA information about her research below.



Are you Japanese ‘ハーフ’ who grew up in Australia?

The term 'ハーフ' ('haafu') is employed in this announcement to refer to individuals of mixed Japanese heritage. It's important to acknowledge that this term, originating from the English word 'half', carries complex connotations and may be viewed as controversial. I recognize these nuances and do not uncritically endorse the term. Nevertheless, I've chosen to use it, enclosed in quotation marks, as it remains the most widely recognized descriptor for people of mixed Japanese heritage in the context of our study. My intention is to communicate effectively while being respectful of the diverse perspectives surrounding this term.


Aim of this research:

We are conducting sociological research on the ethnic identities of multiracial Japanese youths, such as Japanese-Australians and Japanese-Chinese individuals. We’re exploring how different lifestyle choices, such as music, fashion, hobbies, friends, and community involvement, relate to the ethnic identities of these youths.

Who are we looking for?

To participate, you should be aged 18 to 39, have grown up mainly in Australia, and have been born to both a Japanese parent (including someone from Japan, such as Zainichi Korean) and a non-Japanese parent (not necessarily an Australian parent).


Our interviews typically last about 2 hours, and we prefer to conduct them in person on a university campus. You can choose to conduct the interview in either Japanese or English.

What’s in it for you?: 

As a token of our appreciation for your time, we will provide you with $30 (AUD). (We do not receive any funding for this research, so the amount is modest).

Who is conducting the research?: 

This sociological research is being conducted by two Ph.D. students. Yuna Sato, a Ph.D. student in sociology at Keio University and the University of South Australia, will oversee the interviews conducted in Australia. She has researched identities and categorization of ‘haafu,’ or individuals of mixed Japanese heritage. To refer to her past publications, please check the following website:

If you are interested in participating

please contact me at

Thank you. 
Yuna Sato

Below is in Japanese








インタビューにご協力してくださる方は、 までご連絡ください。どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。





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