Bounenkai Dinner Cancelled 2021-Dec

 Bounenkai Dinner Cancelled!


We reluctantly decided to cancel our End of Year Party called Bounenkai Dinner
at Sato Japanese restaurant which was supposed to be held on Monday, 20 December, 2021.

The reasons for this cancellation were that as the Covid situation continued to unfold, although there were no bans or lockdowns at the moment ( SA covid restrictions ), our chosen restaurant was still close to a mass gathering and exposure sites. Especially the borders have been opened last week and many criketo fans from other states are coming to Adelaide to see the famous Ashe Series. The Adelaide Oval is very close to Melbourne Street where Sato Restaurant is located. 

We already had some members cancel out of concern about this Covid situation.  Given that our Bounenkai Dinner is a non-essential gathering that could interfere with members' Christmas if it turned out to be a Covid situation, we decided to be more cautious and considerate of potential downsides.  

Consequently we cancelled our Bounenkai Dinner gathering.  21 participants were coming but we had spoken to the restaurant and they were very understanding and had no problems with this.  
Much appreciated for the restaurant's owner for their kind acceptance. 

We do apologize for this and hope to catch up together in the new year

For sure, we will have AJA's Shin Nen Kai (New Years Party) at Sato restaurant!


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