Setsubun 2022 節分豆まきと恵方巻でお祝い


Until the end of Edo era and before the new government introduced a western system and started using the Western Calendar in Japan, the Chinese New Year which is called Kyu-Shogatsu and which literally means old calendar new year. was celebrated indirectly by having a Setsubun celebration.  

節分 Setsubun.

Setsubun is one of the Japanese traditional festival days of the year.  This year setsubun is to be held on the 3rd of February 2023. Although it is not a public holiday, the day is still very popular for Japanese people and an oppurtunity to perform special rituals before Spring begins in the Japanese lunar calendar.

豆まき Mamemaki and Setsubun

Mamemaki is also known as the Bean-Throwing Festival it is the most famous ritual associated with Setsubun.  Mamemaki  literally means "bean scattering" in Japanese. In the mamemaki ritual, roasted soybeans, known as fukumame ("fortune beans") are either thrown out of the front door, or at a member of the family wearing a demon or oni mask while shouting "Devils out! Fortune in!", before slamming the door shut. The beans are thought to purify the home by driving out the evil spirits that bring misfortune and bad health with them.

Eho-maki and Setsubun

Eho-maki are thick sushi rolls which is believed to bring good fortune if eaten while facing the year’s “ 恵方 Eho” literally meaning in Japanese good luck direction. In 2022 the Eho (good luck direction) is north‐northwest. Eho is determined by the year’s zodiac sign. The goddess of lucky directions, Toshitoku-jin, is believed to remain at the Eho during the year.

恵方巻きは、節分にその年の「恵方」(吉方位)を向いて食べると縁起が良いとされる太巻きです.  恵方とは、その年の干支によって定められた最も良いとされる方角で、歳徳神(としとくじん)がいるとされています 
Eho-maki is usually made with seven ingredients such as cucumber, sweet omelet, shiitake mushroom and eel after the Seven Deities of Good Luck.
On average, an Eho-maki are about 8-10cm long.

How to eat Eho-maki?恵方巻きの食べ方

Eho-maki are also called “Maru-kaburi-sushi” (swallowing sushi) because of the traditional way to eat it is to : make a wish, close your eyes and eat the roll uncut, all while facing the Eho.

While you eat Eho-maki, you must be silent.恵方巻きを食べる時は、黙って食べなくてはいけません

The eating of Eho-maki without cutting reflects the idea of forming good relationships.

There is no particular time of the day to eat Eho-maki.

History of Eho-maki

Some people believe that the origin of Eho-maki is a custom followed at the end of the Edo Period (1860s) in Osaka, of wishing good fortune for fisherman.
It is also believed figuratively that Eho-maki resemble a demon’s metal rod, and that demons can be stopped by eating the whole thing.

The custom of Eho-maki today

The custom of Eho-maki has spread rapidly in Japan since 2003, when supermarkets and convenience stores began heavily advertising the event.

For those who do not enjoy eating Eho-maki, the stores sell other options like roll cakes.

Roll cakes are likely to be considered as Eho-Maki products as they following the traditional look of an Eho-maki .

Although Setsubun is in February, soon after the new year the advertising and sale of Eho-maki begins in Japan.

According to a survey in 2002, only 53% of Japanese people were aware of what Eho-maki are, despite the long-standing custom.

Eating Eho-maki remains a popular Japanese custom today. Around the time of Setsubun, all over Japan there are events where people can make and eat Eho-maki.

Eho-maki are popular not only because of tradition but also because they make mothers’ meal preparation easier.


Extracted from Reference


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