2023 Australia Day Respecting Country Parade - Participant Information

2023 Australia Day Respecting Country Parade

Participant Information

2023年 オーストラリアデーパレード AJA ティーム参加について

Date and time: 26th of January  Australia Day 

  • The parade will start 6pm for about 1 hour.
  • However, please be ready at the starting point by 5:30pm.

The Parade route: パレードルート

  • The Parade will start at Pinky Flat and head along War Memorial Drive, onto King William Road and then continue through Elder Park, towards the big screens heading to the grass area adjacent the Entertainment Centre.

The Numbers of walking people : パレード参加人数

  • The Parade will be a Walking Parade and our preference would be groups of 20 people as a maximum
  • In doing this it will allow more communities to be involved in the Parade.

Costumes 衣装

  • Traditional or National dress or uniforms.  This will give the Parade more colour and life.   It will also give your group a much more unified look and showcase your community at its best.
  • We are looking to engage the audience with movement and life.

★★Would you like to join the parade?あなたもパレードに参加しませんか?

  • If you are interested in walking in the parade together as AJA team, please email to ajaofsa@gmail.com
  • Let us know your name, email address, mobile phone number.

AJA team will wear Yukata or Happi Coat AJAパレードティームは日本の衣装としてゆかたかはっぴを着ます

  • Preferably you have your own Yukata and you can wear it by yourself.  
  • However if you don't have one AJA can most likely organise one for you, but keep in mind designated participants number is limited up to 20 people by the parade structure and AJA financial members will have first choice. 

Participation fee 参加費

As a public participation, AJA is covered by our public insurance which AJA members have paid. So to be fair for everyone, we would like to ask anyone who is a non member, to contribute $20 membership fee as well. Your understanding is very much appreciated. パレード主催者側からの参加規程により、このパレードに参加するためには、団体としての公共保険に加入している必要があります。AJA正会員の人達からの年会費$20の中からこの保険料金が支払われていますので、非会員の方で参加希望の方にも、同じように$20を参加費としていただけると助かります。
  • AJA financial member free - including Yukata borrowing
  • Non AJA members $20 - including Yukata borrowing
    • The fee is required to cover Public Liability Insurance.
    • As this fee is the same as our membership fee, it means, if you pay $20 for this event, you automatically will become an AJA financial member and you don't have to pay for other AJA events before July this year. 
  • その代わり、この$20をいただいた場合は、今年6月いっぱいまでに行われるAJA主催のアクティビティーにAJAの正会員として参加することができます。
Thank you for your understanding and we look forward to hearing from you

★Photos below are from 2020 Australia Day Parade in Arena

It was held in the Adelaide Arena. Due to Covid regulations, the number of the parade participants was limited up to 8 people.


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