Japanese Society of Adelaide Piano 2022 Concert report

Piano Concert organised by the Japanese Society of Adelaide=JSA  was held on Sat, 19 November, 2022
アデレード日本人会主催のピアノコンサート AJAもご招待を受けました。

Japanese Society of Adelaide (JSA) organised a piano concert at the SA State Library, Hetzel Lecture Theatre, North Terrace, City on Saturday 19th of November. The pianist was Ms. Yuki Kuboi and she is a member of JSA.
11月19日(土)、アデレード日本人会会員の久保井有紀さんによるピアノリサイタルが行われました。会場は、ノーステラスにあるSA州立図書館のHetzel Lecture Theatre。

Yuki is also the pianist of the Adelaide Kimono Choir. She also plays the piano for Hisae Wood who is a professional soprano opera singer in Adelaide and they regularly perform in several places in Adelaide.

This time, JSA also invited members of AJA, the Japanese Community School and the Japanese Teachers Association SA to the concert. At the concert there were 63 people in the audience. Everyone all enjoyed Yuki's piano very much.
As AJA, would like to show our appreciation to JSA for inviting us as well. Thank you so much.

Yuki played songs which had the ability to make Japanese people feel melancholy and at home. Yuki also played Chopin classic music. Then she played some Ghibli movie theme songs. To finish the concert Yuki played her arrangement piece which was a fusion of "Furusato" (Home town) and "I still call Australia home" which was so beautiful and many of the audience felt emotionally moved and cried.
日本の懐かしい曲目、ショパンのクラシック、ジブリ映画音楽メドレー、そしえ最後は日本人なら誰もが知っている「故郷」とオーストラリアの代表的ソング ”I still call Australia home” を、有紀さんがアレンジしたコラボでフィナーレ。どの曲も、有紀さんの温かさが音色になって、会場にいらした方たちの心に染みわたり、懐かしさのあまり涙を流された方も多かったようです。

The complete list of music played is below;
  • 渚のアデリーヌ  Ballade pour Adeline
  • 星空のピアニスト  Lypahard Melodie
  • 星に願いを  When You Wish upon a Star
  • 昴 Subaru
  • ショパン・ノクターン Chopin Nocturnes
  • シェルブールの雨傘 The Umbrellas of Cherbourg
  • 浜辺の歌 At the shore
  • 七つの子 Pretty little girls of seven
  • ジブリ映画「ハウルの動く城」Howl's Moving Castle
  • 「もののけ姫」  Princes Mononoke
  • いい日旅立ち  Nice Day to Leave On A Trip
  • 瀬戸の花嫁  The Bride of Seto
  • ふるさと Hometown

For more photos, please see


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