How to become an AJA financial member


How to become an AJA financial member?


Becoming a member AJA正会員になる方法

AJA membership is only $20/year for an individual or $50 for an organisation or business entity. All you can do is to transfer  your membership fee into AJA's bank account below. Please let us know your name and contact number after you have paid. Our email address is We will send you a receipt after we checked your payment in our account. 
振り込みが完了したあとは、メールでお名前と電話番号を添えて までお知らせくださると助かります。AJAのレシートを送らせていただきます。


·  Direct deposit to Australia Japan Association of SA  via 

·  ANZ account 

·  BSB:  015-010

·  Account Number: 495-886-025

·  Account Name: AJA or AJA of SA

·  For reference: Please provide your name so AJA knows who to credit to   

·  Also after the  direct deposit  could you please email to tell us that you have done it just to make life easier.

·  AJA’s ABN 40 156 866 991

★AJA is a Non Profitable Community Organaisation so we appreciate your financial supporAJAは非営利のコミュニティー団体です。皆様からの会費で運営されていますので、皆様からのサポートに心より感謝しております。

    About AJA = AJAについて
    Australia Japan Association of South Australia (AJA of SA) was Established in 1967 and it makes AJA 56 years old this year!   If you would like to read a more detailed history of AJA, please follow the link below

    Our members are: AJAのメンバーは

    • All ages – from young to old, so far youngest member is a 16 years old Japanese student and the oldest is a 95 years young gentleman.
    • 年齢は様々-16歳の高校生から95歳の紳士まで
    • we have Japanese people who mainly live in South Australia and
    • and we have Australians of any nationality who LOVE Japan (^^♪
    • 南オーストラリア州に住む日本人と、日本が大好きなオージー(日本人以外の)親日家の人たち(^^♪の集まりです。

    AJA's main purpose AJAの大切な目的は:

    • Our main purpose is to provide an environment for socialising and producing community connections
    • 政治的なことは抜きにして、楽しくおしゃべりできる場を提供すること

    Main regular activity 主な活動は?

    • AJA's monthly dining and conversation meeting 
    • In Japanese 日豪会話クラブ(Nichi Go Kaiwa Club) 
    • We meet once a month, somewhere in a café or restaurant
    • At the meetings, members and friends enjoy dining together & talking in Japanese & English.
    • It is a very good opportunity to make a good friend.
    • You will be able to learn English and Japanese.
    • If you are from Japan recently, our members are happy to listen and help giving a good advise or information about Adelaide life.
    • 1カ月に1度、会話ダイニングクラブ開催
    • 日本語では、日豪クラブ
    • 食事をしながら、日本語と英語で楽しくおしゃべりをしています。
    • お友達ができます。
    • 英語と日本語を勉強できるいいチャンス。
    • また、日本の人たちでアデレードに来たばかりの人は、地元の人たちから、いろいろな生活情報を教えてもらえるいい機会です。

    Other events and activities その他のイベントやアクティビティー

    • Australia Day Parade 
    • Moon Lantern Festival and parade - by Adelaide Festival Centre 
    • Burnside Japanese Cultural Day - by AJA, supported by the City of Burnside
    • School support – When schools have Japanese Day, AJA members help doing Tea Ceremony, calligraphy, Kimono dressing and other Japanese traditional cultural performances
    • Picnic or BBQ outings
    • And more

    Becoming a member AJA正会員になる方法

    AJA membership is only $20/year for an Individual or $50 for a organisation or business entity.   All you can do is to transfer the membership fee into AJA's bank account below. Please let us know your name and contact number after you have paid. Our email address is We will send you a receipt after we checked your payment in our account. 
    振り込みが完了したあとは、メールでお名前と電話番号を添えて までお知らせくださると助かります。AJAのレシートを送らせていただきます。


    ·  Direct deposit to Australia Japan Association of SA  via 

    ·  ANZ account 

    ·  BSB:  015-010

    ·  Account Number: 495-886-025

    ·  Account Name: AJA or AJA of SA

    ·  For reference: Please provide your name so AJA knows who to credit to   

    ·  Also after the  direct deposit  could you please email to tell us that you have done it just to make life easier.

    ·  AJA’s ABN 40 156 866 991

    More AJA information


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