About AJA 2024 - 2025
About AJA and how to become a member AJAの正会員になるには
AJA's main purpose AJAの大切な目的は:
- Our main purpose is to provide an environment for socialising and providing community connections with no political or religious reasons.
Our members are: AJAのメンバーは
- AJA's members are Japanese people who mainly live in South Australia and Australians of any nationality who LOVE Japan (^^♪. Members are all ages – from young to old, so far youngest member is a 16 years old Japanese student and the oldest is a 96 years young gentleman.
- 南オーストラリア州に住む日本人と、日本が大好きなオージー(日本人以外の)親日家の人たち(^^♪の集まりです。年齢は様々-16歳の高校生から96歳の紳士まで
Steps to become an AJA financial member? AJAの正会員になるには?会費の支払い方法など
★ Note AJA is a Non Profitable Community Organaisation so we appreciate your financial support. Your financial support helps us able do our community events and support the community . AJAは非営利のコミュニティー団体ですので、皆様からの会費で運営されています。皆様からのサポートに心より感謝しております。
Becoming a member AJA正会員になる方法
- AJA membership fee is
- only $20/year for an individual
- or $50 for an organisation or business entity.
- To become a member please do the following two steps;
- (1) Pay your membership by paying your membership fee into AJA's bank account below. 以下のAJAの銀行口座に会費を振り込んでいただくだけです。
- Direct deposit to Australia Japan Association of SA via
- ANZ account, BSB: 015-010
- Account Number: 495-886-025
- Account Name: AJA or AJA of SA
- For reference: Please provide your name so AJA knows who to credit with the payment.
- (2) Let us know that you paid.
- After you have paid please email ajaofsa@gmail.com to tell us that you have done it to ensure your payment is not missed and just to make life easier. 振り込みが完了したあとは、メールでお知らせくださると助かります。
- In the email please also let us know your name and contact number so that after your payment is verified, we will be able to send you a receipt. お名前と電話番号を添えて ajaofsa@gmail.com までお知らせください。口座振り込みが確認できたあと、AJAのレシートを送らせていただきます。
More About AJA = AJAについて
- Australia Japan Association of South Australia (AJA of SA) was Established in 1967 and it makes AJA 58 years old this year! 南オーストラリア豪日協会は、1967年に設立されて、今年2025年で58歳になります。
- If you would like to read a more detailed history of AJA, please follow the links below. AJAの歴史の詳しいストーリーは以下のリンクへ
- https://sites.google.com/d/1XUrPnwjlBCIkWdwuF2hXBjYtQYZxIJKL/p/1TtRrhMwf_Ed4E-gyUVWbnd8MgU7tAtbz/editAJA
- Website:www.ajaofsa.asn.au
- AJA Facebook page:https://www.facebook.com/ajaofsa
- AJA Facebook group:https://www.facebook.com/groups/43958796513
- AJA Facebook Japanese Cultural Day Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/3141676026161601
- Main regular activity 主な活動は?
- AJA holds dining and conversation meetings (日豪会話クラブ Nichi Go Kaiwa Club).
- We meet approximately once a month, somewhere in a café or normally a Japanese restaurant.
- At the meetings, members and friends enjoy dining together & talking in Japanese & English.
- It is a very good opportunity to make good friends.
- You will be able to learn English and Japanese.
- If you are from Japan recently, our members are happy to listen and help giving a good advise or information about Adelaide life.
- 1カ月に1度、日豪会話ダイニングクラブ開催
- 食事をしながら、日本語と英語で楽しくおしゃべりをしています。
- 会場はだいたい市内の日本食レストランやカフェレストラン(決まっていません)
- 日本人、オージー、他の国の人たちのお友達ができます(^^♪
- 英語と日本語を勉強できるいいチャンス。
- また、日本の人たちでアデレードに来たばかりの人は、地元の人たちから、いろいろな生活情報を教えてもらえるいい機会です。
- Some of our other events and activities その他のイベントやアクティビティー
- January 26th, the Australia Day Parade
- March, Hinamatsuri Japanese Market & Picnic in Glandore Community Centre
- July, Burnside Japanese Cultural Day - by AJA, supported by the City of Burnside
- Picnic outings, Volunteer Appreciation Day BBQ
- School support – When schools have Japanese Day, AJA members help doing Tea Ceremony, calligraphy, Kimono dressing and other Japanese traditional cultural performances
- And more
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