Study Tour to Ishikawa in Japan

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Study Tour to Ishikawa in Japan 

From the AJS - ACT

Kanazawa, JAPAN, 13 to 25 April 2025

These courses are organised by the Australia – Japan Society (ACT) and run by the Ishikawa
Foundation for International Exchange (IFIE) in April and October each year. We are now calling for
applications for the April 2025 course.

Applications close on 18 February 2025. NOTE: there are only 15 places available for the April
2025 course so it has to be “first in, first served”.
The course runs for 2 weeks from a Sunday afternoon to the Friday evening two weeks later and
includes intensive language lessons, cultural activities and home stay accommodation with a Japanese
family. This latter is one of the outstanding features of the program and certainly gives a boost to the
participants’ language skills.

During the course, mornings are spent in formal language classes and, most afternoons, opportunities
are provided to explore the local culture, either in organised classes and excursions; or course
participants are encourged to explore Kanazawa by themselves or with other members of the group.
The classes are tailored to the individual participant’s language skills – participants are assessed on
the first day and placed in classes according to their language abilities. Beginner classes are available.
There are excellent facilities and very helpful teachers at the Institute.

There is a Youtube video about the various Ishikawa Foundation’s courses at The AJS two week course doesn’t, of course, cover the full range of activities shown for the longer courses in the video, but there are many common features.

The total course cost per participant, including all course fees, books, cultural activities and
accommodation for the duration of the course (but NOT including fares to and from Kanazawa, Japan),
depending on fluctuations in the $/Yen ratio and the number of participants, is around $1,000 - $1,400.
Participants are advised to allow about $35 - $50 per day for day-to-day expenses (bus fares, lunches,
souvenirs etc) so the total cost for the two week experience, by the time you have travelled to and from
Kanazawa, is probably going to be around $3,500.

Applicants must be at least 20 years old, must be a member of an Australia – Japan Society OR an
affiliated organisation or join one – JETAA, JLTAA and MLTAA are considered to be affiliated
organisations - and must be prepared to stay in Japan for the duration of the course.
This is a great chance to commence, refresh, improve or develop your Japanese language skills and, if
your profession is appropriate, the cost may be tax deductible as a self-education expense.

For a more detailed outline of the program and for homestay application forms contact Michael
Hodgkin, the coordinator of the program at:


Patrons: Ambassador of Japan; Mr Ron Murray AM

Original document here


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